There is a wide range of predictions about the structural properties of the debris of dissolving satellite galaxies. For the interpretation of stellar populations in disk and bulge of the Milky Way it is essential to quantify the amount of stars formed in satellite galaxies and ending-up in the inner Galaxy. In our hybrid approach we combine satellite galaxy populations from cosmological simulations with a high-resolution realization of the Milky Way Galaxy. In a series of numerical simulations we will analyze the spatial distribution of stars originating from satellites and investigate their kinematic properties in order to identify them in observational samples.
Mardini, Mohammad K.; Placco, Vinicius M.; Meiron, Yohai; Ishchenko, Marina; Avramov, Branislav; Mazzarini, Matteo; Berczik, Peter; Arca Sedda, Manuel; Beers, Timothy C.; Frebel, Anna; Taani, Ali; Donnari, Martina; Al-Wardat, Mashhoor A.; Zhao, Gang
11/2020 ApJ 903, 88
Mazzarini, Matteo; Just, Andreas; Macciò, Andrea V.; Moetazedian, Reza
04/2020 A&A 636, A106
Prudil, Z.; Dékány, I.; Smolec, R.; Catelan, M.; Grebel, E. K.; Kunder, A.
03/2020 A&A 635, A66
Buck, Tobias; Obreja, Aura; Macciò, Andrea V.; Minchev, Ivan; Dutton, Aaron A.; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.
01/2020 MNRAS 491, 3461
Martínez-Delgado, David; Katherina Vivas, Anna; Grebel, Eva K.; Gallart, Carme; Pieres, Adriano; Bell, Cameron P. M.; Zivick, Paul; Lemasle, Bertrand; Clifton Johnson, Lent; Carballo-Bello, Julio A.; Noël, Noelia E. D.; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.; Choi, Yumi; Besla, Gurtina; Schmidt, Judy; Zaritsky, Dennis; Gruendl, Robert A.; Seibert, Mark; Nidever, David; Monteagudo, Laura; Monelli, Mateo; Hubl, Bernhard; van der Marel, Roeland; Ballesteros, Fernando J.; Stringfellow, Guy; Walker, Alistair; Blum, Robert; Bell, Eric F.; Conn, Blair C.; Olsen, Knut; Martin, Nicolas; Chu, You-Hua; Inno, Laura; Boer, Thomas J. L.; Kallivayalil, Nitya; De Leo, Michele; Beletsky, Yuri; Neyer, Fabian; Muñoz, Ricardo R.
11/2019 A&A 631, A98
Earp, Samuel W. F.; Debattista, Victor P.; Macciò, Andrea V.; Wang, Liang; Buck, Tobias; Khachaturyants, Tigran
10/2019 MNRAS 488, 5728
Prudil, Z.; Dékány, I.; Grebel, E. K.; Catelan, M.; Skarka, M.; Smolec, R.
08/2019 MNRAS 487, 3270